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Heel Pain Playing Golf

Heel Pain Playing Golf?

Suffering With Heel Pain Playing Golf? Here’s 3 Things You Can Do To Start Enjoying Your Golf Again – Without Heel Pain!  Do you agree that golf is quite a unique game? It can be so pleasurable and yet so painful at the same time? Just trying to hit a tiny ball 400 yards into […]

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Children in school shoes stanging in a line

Children’s School Shoes – 7 crucial mistakes every parent should avoid when they buy their child’s next pair of school shoes!

Children’s School Shoes – 7 crucial mistakes every parent should avoid when they buy their child’s next pair of school shoes! Choosing your child’s school shoes can be a bit of a mine field. There are lots of brands, designs and prices. There are also often school uniform and dress code requirements too. How active […]

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Child with Sever's Condition Heel Pain

“Mum! My heel’s Sore!” Could be Sever’s Disease?

“Mum! My heel’s sore!” Could be Sever’s Condition? Sever’s disease or more appropriately Sever’s condition is really common cause of heel pain in children.As a parent (or grandparent) you may have had your child or grandchild complain of a sore heel and start limping – seemingly out of the blue!  They can have difficulty running […]

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Mother and daughter balancing on train tracks

Can Feet Affect Your Balance?

Can Feet Affect Your Balance? There can be many causes of poor balance. Such as inner ear (vestibular) issues, some medications and medical conditions eg low blood pressure (hypotension). Even being dehydrated can affect your balance. But can your feet affect your balance? In short – YES. Poor balance could be caused by your feet? […]

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Take a Walk

Why Walking is the Best Form of Exercise for Weight Loss

Top 4 Reasons Why Walking is the Best Form of Exercise for Weight Loss (and SIMPLE tips to help keep you on your feet and moving towards your walking and weight loss goals) Spring is here, the sun is shining and its time to KISS that “exercise” demon goodbye and shed a few winter kilos. […]

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Child grounding feet outside on grass

Grounding – Is it the Gateway to Increased Well-Being?

Grounding – Is it the Gateway to Increased Well-being? Think back to the last time you stood with your bare feet on the earth. I bet its been a while since you stood with the grass, sand, dirt or rock under your feet?  When I thought about it I realised that I can go for […]

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Preparing for cryotherapy

Can Cryotherapy Help My Feet?

Can Cryotherapy help my Feet? Cryotherapy is emerging as a popular treatment option for many different kinds of problems. Areas such as beauty and anti-aging, health and wellness, sports and fitness and also weight loss show benefit. But can Cryotherapy help with your foot and leg pain? We sent our practitioners Michael Sarunic and Tito […]

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Injection Preparation

Plantar Fasciitis – Should You Get An Injection?

I’ve Got ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ – Should I Get An Injection? As a podiatrist clients often ask if they should get an injection for Plantar Fasciitis. So we thought it would be a good idea to bust a few myths and bring a bit of clarity to ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ and the use of cortisone and steroid […]

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How to Choose a Podiatrist

How to choose a podiatrist for your foot pain problem!   So you have suffered long enough with your foot pain problem and it’s finally time to get help! A friend, colleague or other health professional may have suggested that you go and see a podiatrist. Now unless you receive a great referral or recommendation […]

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